Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Our stuff is here - RUN, hide, stay away!

After 3 days of school, the kids were off for Spring break last week.  The week flew - and in hindsight I know why…

OH NO - our stuff is here
Monday morning a truck rolled up and started unloading boxes of what we had deemd critical enough to travel via air.  

With a furnished apartment + 3 weeks of enjoying the simplicity of minimal possessions, I wasn't so excited about the reunion.

After locating the essentials (bedding, computer, school lunch tupperware), the place looked like our boxes threw up.   

So we decided now was the time to listen to Lexy's sage advice "focus on having fun & exploring in the new city, getting everyone settled - don't worry about the unpacking at first".

Our anti-unpacking plans….

Happy 12!
We celebrated 12 years exploring our new city

We always enjoy the fun of Dim sum - but this one was dangerous (a lazy Susan with 3 kids?!)
A mere 2 minutes after arriving a full pot of hot tea was flung from our table
 (this is NOT how I remember life 12 years ago)

Sun, Snow & Sissy
Just a 3ish hour drive to Tahoe, we decided to literally run away from our stuff & head up again - enjoyed a few days of blue skies, late season snow & a visit from Sissy


Loads of games

And a stop to visit cousins / in-laws...

When we got home late Friday, I'd forgotten what sad shape our house was left in until I saw it.   

Soooo - time for more outside the home activities….

Train to Chipotle
The J line literally stops right outside our door & delivers us directly below a mall with a Chipotle
(Dangerous on so many levels)

FAB Exploratorium

A very hands on museum with a cool new waterfront location

You know it's bad at home when the whole family chooses to go along for glasses shopping….

So many parks
By the waterfront….

By our house…

But my favorite - Dolores Park - where I am now convinced ANYTHING goes
Families of 5 come along…..

Come on in sporty people...

Welcome jugglers…

Big Band-ers & Swing Dancers…

We embrace you, random indiginous musicians…

And please join us hula hoopers

In order to keep this PG, I didn't photograph the examples of love - but clearly friendliness is also welcome in any combination

While the randomness and inclusiveness was enough to make me feel warm & fuzzy, the guy in the background made it feel like home… 
(yep - that's beer at the park)

So while there are still piles of unpacked, somewhat unwanted 'critical possessions' laying around our house, the exploring is fab & the cluttered house is because "Lexy told us to"

Here's to prioritizing 
(and if all else fails - blame a friend!)


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