Sunday, March 30, 2014

2 weeks, 1 birthday & a million changes later….

A bit over 2 weeks since our final departure…..some highlights

Tahoe Evacuation: we started with 'evacuation camp' in the mountains given our house wasn't available yet (with the accelerated departure)

Featuring our 'Half assed home school'


(Thanks G'mom & G'dad for the belated Christmas gift - a fab 'school project'!)

Roller Rink & Pine needle PE...


Teacher break...

Wow!  Did we swing the pendulum moving to California:

Fresh fruit - we bought these on the 14th - they were PICKED only 3 days prior!

Seriously Eco - we went from having to go out of our way to recycle, to eco solutions being brought to us...

The bathroom at the community center where Zoe takes dance...

Even better - our garage!   The cans they pick up from our curb…..
(trash + recycling AND compost.   I LOVE it!)

But all this comes at a cost...
Warn against invisible evils - seriously, Starbucks telling us about the risk of chemicals in coffee??   
(Wouldn't you keep that on the down low?!)

No Wild West in the west -  gone is the parking flexibility…

But one really can't complain with this kind of scenery….

We also enjoyed Quincy turning 11 on this side of the pond
A split birthday brunch with 'Puncle Peric'….

Breakfast & presents in bed….

A ride on Cable Car #11 to sundaes on his 11th!

Now we have shifted to: 
Settling into new normal

New Schools: Quincy & Zoe got into a great school in the Marina…

Even more color: while 'international' has been our recent norm, Xavier's school shows us super colorful.   It is like the United Nations - people are from everywhere!

New Standards:  Zoe came home day 1 with a huge pack of homework & reports "this is WAY harder"….
We also got a "please help your child learn to count money over break" note from her teacher.  (Zoe can tell you the exchange rate between US dollars and hryvnia but doesn't know a nickle from a dime :0)

So while we are having to adjust to some new, we are enjoying the color too!
(a local wig store - 2 blocks away in case we get into a hair pinch)

Here's to enjoying the new and hoping the 'new normal' isn't too normal!

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