Monday, October 29, 2012

Ukrainian Flea Market

This weekend I dragged Logan out in the early morning light to check out some local flair - the flea market....what'd we find?

A big Soviet looking exterior....

Inside - even at 8 am - it was already madness.  And oddly, mostly men shopping.  For what?

Tons of old war medals

Postcards & old propganda posters....

A table full of ivory....
(is this stuff even legal anymore?!)

Random home furnishings....

And even more random art...a picture of President Yanukovish holding baby lambs?!  Seriously - this guy has a reputation for maintaining a totally corrupt, self-serving government...

And of course, morning beer!
(I showed this picture to our babysitter with surprise.  Her response?  "Of course!")

But what I was looking for was more barrels......

Last spring a friend took me & I got several.  One we use as a coffee table, a few littles ones hold a speaker & Nerf Laser guns...

While the barrel lady was a bit glass oriented this time,

We did score a few 'beer stein' like barrels for our upcoming Oktoberfest party!

So here's to random shopping experiences & the joy of festive decorations.  Prost!

1 comment:

  1. how did you ever get Logan to get up so early?? I would never have been able to get Paolo to do this. I am impressed!
