Sunday, September 16, 2012

Camping in Kyiv

Some 'experienced Kyiv friends' (been here ~3 years) invited us to join with a few families camping.  Given we left our tent & gear in Chicago, we were reluctant - till we learned this was 'camping light'....

A little less than an hours drive....and here was our cabin

Right on a river

And importantly...
Ok, I admitted this was 'camping light' - beds, a bathroom and a small kitchen (stoves apparently removed recently once their restaurant opened.  I guess that's one way to encourage restaurant sales!)

The kids quickly took to the 'refreshing' water - it was shallow enough they could walk across and forage in the forest on the other side

Played in & rolled in the sand
(think we'll be extracting sand from the kids for at least a week)

Caught & played with / tortured a frog
(Xavier & Zoe with Gio - poor froggy!)

As well as enjoyed the playground on site

And the space to scooter about
(unfinished construction makes for a nice scooter pad - just mind the random wires)

The men-folk made a fire and took over the dinner preparations!
(men BBQing might just be the best part about 'camping'!)
(one dad brought a clay pot & dough to make homemade bread on the fire - seriously, this is good camping)

We had a big pot-luck
(Paolo adding Italian essentials - wine & cognac - to the buffet)

We felt like we really got away, got to enjoy some nature, some friends & a new Ukraine adventure.  AND were home early enough to top it off with Sunday naps!

A fantastic, fun & easy get-away.  

Here's to weekend adventures & hoping you're having a fun one!

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