Sunday, May 20, 2012

Potholes, Women & Children

Driving & the roads here are never a dull moment..

Potholes grow so large people mark them with old tires….

Intersections are often asymmetrical & the street lights can be completely confusing…

Amidst that, it is interesting to see what does & does not merit warning.

ROAD WORK?  Nah...
The road at the bottom of our hill was repaved yesterday....  

....any pesky barricades or construction ahead signs?  
Nah….they didn’t bother to close it to traffic.

Cars wove in and out among the various construction trucks!
Zoe enjoyed the close up view of the action..

WOMEN & CHILDREN - Watch out!

Meanwhile, the demographic warnings are abundant…..

”Baby on Board" is a popular one… prevalent you see it in multiple languages

And given how many of these you see, I thought it stood for Ukraine (in Russian, Y sounds like OO)
But it turns out it means "Watch out - this driver is still learning"

The one that surprised me the most is this one (which is also everywhere)…

I thought it meant “I love shoes” & found it odd that so many cars donned them.  

But when I saw a guy applying one to his girlfriend’s car today, I asked them what it meant. 
“Caution: woman driver”, they reported.  And she was right there, supporting the application of said sticker!

So while we're well warned of the innocent & 'more sketchy' drivers, after that, we're on our own. 

Here's to uneventful Sunday drives!

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