Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers – put those kids to work!

Happy U.S. Mother’s Day to all! 

While Mother’s day is supposedly celebrated in Ukraine on the first Sunday of the month (last Sunday), I saw no signs of it.  According to a local friend, Women’s Day (Mar 8 this year) is their way to honor the ladies – and all the ladies at that.

Maybe part of the reason is they just aren’t having that many babies - and those that do, tend to just have 1.  Since 2000, the population has dropped almost 10% (from ~50MM to 45MM).

That said, just because they are semi-scarce doesn't mean kids sit around being coddled!  You often see pretty little kids walking to school & riding the Metro alone.  And while technically kids aren’t supposed to be employed until they are 16......... in the market near my house this girl was working a clothing stand…..

At the Botanic Garden, this kid was working the snack kiosk.  OK, a weekend job is a great way to foster independence & responsibility, right?

But honestly people - as the beer guy?!  The surprises around here never end!  
But in the country’s defense (hmm, or not), beer was only recently classified as an alcohol!

Meanwhile, our kids would probably describe work as having to pick up the million errant Nerf darts before being allowed to play Xbox! 

That said, they do valued work around the house on occasion too.  This morning, to celebrate the occasion, they treated me to breakfast in bed!

I don’t care what’s delivered, breakfast in bed is always fantastic. 
Thanks L, Q, X & Z - you guys rock!  

So here’s to all the Mothers in the world & being inspired to dust off those chore charts!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute bunch!
    Nothing wrong with giving a kid a little beer at night to settle him to sleep early after dinner. But I guess you moved there a little late for that one.
    Glad to see you are all well!
