Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Where's next?

In expat circles, conversation almost always includes:
  •  Where are you from?
  • Where have you been?
  • How long have you been here?
  • How much longer will you be here?
  • Where to next?

With Logan’s contract here coming to an end, we’ve been talking about that last question a LOT

Having loved Cambodia + icy roads make this part of the world look attractive...

The boys’ votes illustrate their bias to familiar – Chicago, California, Florida, Minnesota

Meanwhile, Hammy clearly consulted weather.com too - he voted Austrailia

Ironically, after 3 years of mad travel, instead of being road weary, it feels like there is so much more to see.  

Thus, tried the ‘spin the globe method’.   

After landing in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean + Kazakhstan, we decided we better take a more thoughtful approach – turned to the world wide web for inspiration…

Balancing a quest for adventure, ‘where in the world’ fantasy with a place the kids could consider ‘home’ (e.g. close to a Chipotle) – we decided to finally act on our on-going ‘5 year plan’ & move to the Bay Area in California.   

Urban driven – we are heading to San Francisco!

This enables: 

  1. ‘back to the USA by highschool’ 
  2. close to family & friends (altho lose proximity to others too :(  )
  3. 'snow-pant free' winters 
  4. desirable enough location we might just convince some of our international friends to visit!

A big relief to have a destination – but we’re clearly just at the base of the mountain….. vague export rules here + job(s), housing & schools in SF ….a few key things yet to tackle

In the mean time, we are cherishing every second of the wild ride it continues to be here…and hope you'll come visit us in San Francisco

As my Nana and Gramps said best, “Enjoy Yourself, It’s Later Than You Think”


  1. We will be seeing you in SF for Thanksgiving....and missing you every moment until then. xo. The Bellis

  2. Hey! I've been secretly admiring your blog. Please don't tell me it only took you 6 days to make a decision about where to live in the world. But congrats! And good choice not to move to Minnesota :) - kids have missed 7 days of school this year due to cold and snow. -20 again this morning .. Stay safe! Another good reason for us to visit SF!
