Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hamburgers & Hammy's Revenge

Logan has been away for 2 weeks+ on a series of work trips – so we've been rolling as a single parent household

Since over half of his time has been in the States, we've been suffering from USA jealousy.  In order to distract ourselves, we tried a new-ish hamburger joint  - “Beefy’s”

We found:

Generic interior with American influence……

Milk shakes that didn't cut it
(basically milk with flavoring & syrup around the rim)

Pasta that did
(honestly, how would one screw that up?!)

Burgers that got 2 thumbs up   
(I’d liken it to a non-dollar menu fast food burger)

And one too distracted by fries to vote
With the steep prices (~$50 for 3 meals + shakes), I’d put it at about a 3 at home, but grading on a ‘Kiev curve’ a solid 6-7

At home, our time without dad has included extra kids - sleeping over, coming to play - resulting in a pretty kid-centric household. 

Since you can guess my perspective on this, let's look at the past 2 weeks from the pets' eyes……

Loads of togetherness
(recovered after an attempted Hammy escape)

Dressing up

Playing with toys

Going on rides 
(Hammy's being towed in the basket)

Seeking Escape
 (Hiding in the cat post - we know how you feel Hammy)

And alas, protesting the mayhem - Hammy took his frustrations out on a couch cushion 

Clearly the kids & I are not the only ones getting squirrelly with Logan gone so long - thankfully no one else in the family is taking it out on the furniture

Long story short - we’re all looking forward to Logan's return - AND I don't know HOW single parents do it.  

Hats off to all parents going solo out there.  You deserve a medal, an honor, a babysitter & a drink.

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