Sunday, August 19, 2012

Screwing up our kids

One of our objectives moving overseas was to "expand our kids' horizons".  A side benefit has been the excuse to spend the summer in the States catching up with friends, family & our 'Americanism'.  But after essentially 7 weeks of indulgence, I'm starting to think we may have created a false sense of reality....

This summer we've hit 8 cities including trips to watersides, 2 amusement parks, 3 beaches & several lakes..... 

Rides, beaches, swimming & hiking in California....

Shooting stuff, fishing & cards in Wisconsin...

Water fun, games & mostly friendly competitions in Minnesota...

We've eaten out approximately 49 times and visited at least that many friends and family members...

We've indulged in many of our "American favorites"....
(Been to Chipotle at least 8 times)

Ice cream for dinner even seems reasonable after a year of DQ abstinence...

We've adopted the European "screw it" bed time. Kids up till 10 and sleeping past 9.....

At the tail end of it all, I now the hell will we ever again convince the kids that park district camp + a week vacation is a summer to be excited about?

Here's to summer and a special toast to all the friends and family who helped warp our kids with abundant hospitality & most excellent fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hah! I often wonder about this myself. Oh well. It is fun to screw them up since we get to go along for the ride.
